Two Dances - Doua dansuri

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(for Romanian version, scroll down)

Two Dances

I still have to practice this awfull cabeceo… it is not working, or hardly working.

I waited a tanda to like, I waited the talking to finish, I waited another tanda to be over, I waited to be ready for a dance… I waited for me to be able for a dance. I don’t know what I’ve been waiting for, I thought it is time, why to hurry? But when they announced there are only another two tandas… mh! The time suddenly compressed. For the last but one tanda it was someone else invited, and there was only the last tanda remaining, that was for somebody else I supposed; Cumparsita… la-la-la, and the night was over, … I said to myself: “that’s it …, as I waited for one year and a half I can wait another half a year, or one year…”. I started to take some piiiiictures, I found something to do… What was I supposed to do? The last tanda begins. Ups, there was not a full tanda of Cumparsita, as I was used to hear. Somebodyelse was sitting as she sat all night, it was kinda obvious she didn’t want to dance. I thought to myself: “is now or never!”. Onestly I don’t like to hunt, I hate it, but now … even if I couln’t dare to think I will dance with Ney this year … and though it was worth to try!... on the other side, it seemed to me unfair and unpolitely to make a cabeceo to another person that was not my boyfriend for the last tanda, and more, to someone who came there as a couple … I tried to take this thought out of my mind ….

It was worth one year and a half of waiting! … I had to sit down on the first chair in my way … my knees were trembling … excited? … still asking myself: what was that ???

Yap, I succeded to win half a tanda! The last two dances at the last milonga when they were here! I couldn’t believe it… and then I thought: only half a tanda??? This is the human being nature, as we always want more, and more! Anyway, that night Ney was very generous, as somebody at the milonga was saying too, and I feel very lucky I had the chance to dance with him : ) …

Sometimes you have to know exactly what you want!

Doua dansuri

Mai am de invatzat cum e cu cabeceo asta… merge greu, tare greu.

Am asteptat o tanda care sa-mi placa, am asteptat sa termine discutiile, am asteptat sa termine alta tanda, am asteptat sa fie gata pentru un dans… am asteptat sa fiu pregatita pentru un dans. Nici eu nu stiu ce am mai asteptat, am crezut ca e timp, de ce sa ne grabim? Dar cand s-a anuntat ca mai sunt numai 2 tande… mh! Timpul brusc s-a comprimat. La penultima tanda a invitat pe cineva, si mai ramanea ultima tanda, care in mod normal era a lui Jennifer; Cumparsita…la-la-la, era gata seara, … zic in sinea mea: “asta e…, cum am asteptat un an si jumatate mai pot astepta acum inca jumatate de an, un an…” . M-am apucat sa fac pozeee, mi-am gasit de lucru… ce era sa mai fac? Incepe si ultima tanda. Ups, nu era toata tanda numai de cumparsite, asa cum eram eu obisnuita. Jennifer statea cum statuse toata seara cu shapca in cap, parea destul de evident ca nu vroia sa danseze. Zic: “acum sau niciodata!”. Sincer, nu-mi place sa vanez, detest, dar acum … chiar daca nu credeam ca voi mai dansa cu Ney anul asta… si totusi incercarea moarte n-avea!... pe de alta parte mi se parea super nashpa si nepoliticos fatza de toata lumea, sa cabesez alta persoana decat prietenul meu la ultima tanda, si mai mult, sa cabesez o persoana care venise acolo in cuplu… mi-am scos din minte si asta… .

A meritat un an si jumatate de asteptare! … a trebuit sa ma asez pe primul scaun iesit in cale… imi tremurau genunchii… de emotie? … si acum ma mai intreb: ce-a fost asta???

Dap, am reusit sa obtin o jumatate de tanda! Ultimele 2 dansuri de la ultima milonga la care mai erau si ei aici! Nici mie nu-mi venea sa cred… si apoi am gandit: doar o jumatate de tanda??? Asa e omu’ din ce are din aia vrea mai mult! Oricum, in seara acea, Ney a fost super generos, asa cum mai spunea cineva pe la milonga, si ma consider norocoasa ca am apucat sa dansez cu el : ) …

Cateodata nu strica sa stii bine ce vrei!


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