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Shoes… Hysteria
(The photo says: ”the shoe repair workshop moved here, Academiei str, 2)
These are very funny photos!!! He, he, he!!! The old good times!!!
… So? What do I mean with these photos?
Well, the story goes like this: at the time when nobody could ever dream of shoes from Argentina, and they could only be seen in videos, or on the computers screens, on the internet, there were (as far as I knew) only two great shoe dance handicraftsmen in Bucharest; and I underline: ballroom dance shoes, not tango shoes!!!
I think many of us began to dance with shoes made by Mr. Dum, on the Academiei str., no 2, and then, when aspirations raised, we went to “Rahova Barrio” to see the handicraftsmen from the shoe manufactory; that lasted until people began to go to Argentina and brought directly from the manufacturer, brimful suitcases with tango shoes, and later on, we ordered dozens of tango shoes on the internet, or we began to buy shoes at festivals outside the country, and, finally, from local market importers!
But there was an issue: the shoes brought by friends or ordered on internet might had 0.99% chance not to fit, even if you made all measurements and you gave your sole drawn on paper… the problem was not that you had shoes you could not do anything
with them, as buyers were everywhere, but the disappointment was terrifying! To wait the shoes of your dreams for 2 months, coming across the ocean from
My first dance shoes? Here they are!

And the second pair…
And the 4th one ….
And the 5th one …
Do not laugh, as you do too! Take a look into your closet, and see how many tango shoes you already have!!!... and if it has not happened yet, it’s just a matter of time!... that means you haven’t decided yet what to choose, as the range is so large… so is too difficult to choose something!!!
And, after one year since I began to dance tango, my first shoes from
…I sill love them now! Even baggy by a distorted walk!
And there was a 2nd, … and a 3rd … and a 4th pair of tango shoes from
The End.
Isteria …pantofilor
Iaca, poze care m-au amuzat foarte, foarte tare!!! He, he, he!!! Ce vremuri, domn’le!
… adica? Ce vreau sa zic cu pozele astea?
Pai povestea e cam asa: pe vremea cand inca nimeni nu visa la pantofi de tango din Argentina, si ii vedeam doar in clipuri, sau ni se lipeau ochii de ecranele calculatoarelor, pe net, existau (din cate stiam eu doar) 2 mari mesteri faurari de pantofi de dans in Bucuresti; repet, pantofi de dans, nicidecum de tango!!!
Cred ca multi dintre noi au inceput cu pantofi facuti la dl. Dum., de pe strada Academiei, nr. 2, iar mai apoi, cand au inceput sa creasca pretentiile, am mai mers si prin Rahova, la “mesterul” faurar de la fabrica de pantofi; asta pana cand au inceput sa plece oameni p
rin Argentina si sa aduca direct de la producatori, geamantane pline cu pantofi de tango, si mai apoi, sa se faca comenzi de zeci de pantofi pe internet, sau sa-si cumpere fiecare de pe la festivalurile de tango din afara tarii, sau de la importatorii directi care exista acum!
Problema la pantofii adusi de prieteni sau comandati pe net era ca exista un procent de 0.99% sanse, ca pantofii sa nu-ti vina, chiar daca facusei masuratorile cum trebuie, chiar daca dadusei talpitza desenata si decupata… nu era bai mare ca ramaneai cu ei, nicidecum, ca cumparatoare/cumparatori exista garla! Dar dezamagirea era traumatizanta! Sa astepti pantofii visurilor tale 2 luni de zile, sa strabata oceanul taman din
Prima mea pereche de pantofi de dans? Iat-o!
Si a doua…
Si a treia…
Si a patra….
Si a cincea …
Nu radeti, ca asa ati patit si voi! Ia cautati pe acasa , sa vedeti cate perechi de pantofi de dans aveti deja!!!.... si daca nu s-a intamplat inca, e doar o chestiune de timp!... inseamna ca inca nu v-ati hotarat exact ce model sa va luati, pentru ca varietatea e atat de mare, ca e si greu sa alegi ceva!!!!
Si, la un an de cand m-am apucat de tango a venit si prima mea pereche de pantofi din
…(Ii iubesc si acum! Chiar si asa deformati de o calcatura stramba! )
Si a urmat si a doua, … si a treia, … si a patra pereche din
The End.