Saturday Night - Sambata seara

(pentru versiunea in Romana, vedeti mai jos)
(for Romanian version, scroll down)

Saturday Night

Very nice Saturday night. There was no milonga organized by a tango school. And, as usual, it’s enough to have only one person ready to dance, the message is sent to other interested people, and here they are! So we were 6-7 couples into a bar. Everybody very cheerful and ready to dance! Relaxed, as between old friends, it felt like we were at some of us at home and each of us did whatever he wanted. We put on the music we liked. Very nice environment!
After a long period of time I finally watched the dancers. Until then I was too concentrated on what I had to do, and the moment I was not dancing, I used to rest. I had wanted to look to the dancers for a long time, to see what was happening and how they progressed.

Tanda after tanda, the pairs were changing, and I noticed things. Some couples cought my attention, others not. When the couples were changing the partners I watched to other pairs, not to the same people I watched before while other pairs became interesting. It was very nice to see how two partners stimulated each other, according to the music, personality, experience in dance; some became explosive… especially if there were two beginners which were still exploring and looking for attention of the audience, and then, if nuevo was playing there were many feet up in the air… very high up in the air! : ))) or others were cooling down and they were making a very nice dance. I saw girls making adornos, and they were not doing adornos usually, why did they do that? Because they were felling good I think.

I don’t know why this doesn’t happen at an ”organized” milonga…? Why people do not truly relax, and they still have restraints?

At a moment there were 6 couples dancing and I was the only one sitting and watching. It was so nice! The distance between the couples on the dance floor was about equal, the whole dance floor was covered, they were moving according to the other couples, very nice! Some were intermediate, some were beginners, some were coming constantly to the classes, some not, there were even people coming only to milonga and never to classes, even they have not attended a class in their life… but generally everybody was feeling good. My attention instinctively focused on the oldest leader in the room (old in tango). He made a very nice dance a whole tanda! They danced incredibly nice! I could not say what exactly he did, but he stayed with the music. It was the most beautiful interpretation of the music at that time in that place. It was a slow song; he didn’t rush at all he just flowed with the music. The follower did the same, (she was a calm girl who had come lately constantly to the classes, although she discovered tango long before I did). So, time has an impact on tango, and doubled with interest, research on ones own in the field, backed with practica all the time, the results are at least delightful.

The combination between a beginner leader and an intermediate follower was good as well. The result was a very nice tanda that I watched with joy. It looked very nice! You can feel when people come with pleasure and they don’t have any stress.

Sambata seara

Foarte fain sambata seara. Nu era nici o milonga organizata de nici una din cele trei scoli. Si ca de obicei, e destul sa fie o persoana cu chef, se transmite mesajul la cei posibil interesati, si iaca, cine are chef apare! Asa ne-am strans vreo 6-7 perechi intr-un bar. Toti foarte bine dispusi si cu chef! Relaxati, ca intre vechi prieteni, ca si cand ne-am fi adunat la careva dintre noi acasa, fiecare facea ce-i traznea. Puneam ce muzica vroiam. Atmosfera excelenta, excelenta!

Dupa o lunga perioada de vreme am avut in sfarsit timp sa stau si sa ma uit la oameni cum danseaza. Pana acum eram prea concentrata pe ce aveam eu de facut, iar momentele in care nu dansam le foloseam efectiv sa-mi trag sufletul. De mult imi doream sa ma mai uit si eu la oameni, sa vad ce se mai intampla, si cum au evoluat.

Tandele curgeau, perechile se schimbau, si am observat lucruri. Anumite perechi imi atrageau atentia, altele nu. In momentul in care se formau alte perechi nu ma mai uitam la aceiasi oameni, alte perechi deveneau interesante. E foarte fain sa vezi cum se stimuleaza reciproc doi parteneri, in functie de muzica, personalitati, vechime in dans; unii deveneau explozivi… mai ales daca se nimereau doi incepatori care sunt inca in explorare si plina afirmare, si atunci, la nuevo zburau o gramada de picioare pe sus… chiar foarte sus! : ))), sau altii se potoleau si faceau un dans foarte fain. Am vazut fete adornand, lucru pe care nu-l faceau in mod curent, de ce? Pentru ca se simteau bine, cred eu.

Nu stiu de ce la milonga “organizata” nu se intampla lucrul asta…? De ce oamenii nu se relaxeaza cu adevarat, si se pastreaza o rezerva?

La un momentdat dansau 6 perechi si cred ca eram singura care statem si ma uitam. Era atat de fain! Distanta dintre ei era aproximativ egala, tot spatiul era acoperit in mod egal, se miscau unii in functie de altii, foarte fain! Ca si vechime in dans erau diferiti, ca frecventza la lectii iar erau diferiti, erau chiar persoane care nu apar decat la milonga, fara sa vina la lectii, desi nu cred ca au luat o lectie de tango in toata viata lor, dar in fine… per total toti se simteau foarte bine. Atentia mi-a fost atrasa de o pereche cu cel mai vechi leader care era acolo in seara aceea, adica dintre toti cei prezenti atunci, acolo, el era cel mai vechi. Un dans, adica o tanda foarte faina! Au dansat incredibil de frumos. Nu stiu sa spun ce structuri a facut, daca a facut multe lucruri, habar n-am, dar tot ce se intampla era pe muzica. A fost cred cea mai frumoasa interpretare a muzicii respective atunci acolo. Era o melodie linistita, nu se grabea nicaieri, curgea cu muzica. Follower-ul la fel, era o tipa calma si linistita de felul ei, care vine de putin timp in mod consecvent, desi a aparut la tango cu mult inainte sa vin eu. Timpul isi spune cuvantul si impreuna cu un interes, o cercetare in domeniu pe cont propriu, si o practica sustinuta rezultatele sunt cel putin incantatoare.

La fel de buna a fost si o combinatie intre un leader mai incepator si o “follower” mai veche. A rezultat o alta tanda foarte frumoasa pe care am privit-o cu placere. Se vedea foarte fain! Se simte cand oamenii vin cu placere si nu au nici un stres.


manina a spus…
Adornos! Da, acelasi lucru l-am observat si eu si l-am si comentat cu entuziasm.
Explicatia mea a fost ca Jennifer ne-a inspirat pe toate! Eu zic sa batem fierul/podeaua cat e cald si sa adornam cat mai mult :)
La Sastresa a spus…
Un an si jumatate eu nu am adornat, au tot tras de mine sa adornez, m-au incurajat profesorii, mi-au aratat, la un momendat, cand am inceput sa ma mai coc, dar eu tot nu simteam sa adornez... problema reala cred ca era ca nu ascultam muzica in mod activ, ci ma concentram mai mult pe ce conducea leader-ul.

Dupa seminarul din iunie anul acesta, cu Ney si Jen, am inceput sa adornez, foarte mult, ca exercitiu, ca sa pot adorna; repertoriul meu e foarte restrans, si adevarul e ca intotdeauna mi-a fost oarecum jena sa adornez pentru ca nu stiam cum arata si colac peste pupaza incomodam si leaderul.

Dar am avut si dansuri foarte foarte adornate cu leaderi cu care ma simt in siguranta, si cu care nu trebuie sa ma concentrez pe ce conduc ei, am ragazul sa ascult muzica, si sa ma preocup oarecum si de ce fac eu.

Mai exista si alta varianta in care nu adornez pentru ca pur si simplu dansul si ce se intampla acolo e atat de fain, incat ma bucur de moment si nu-mi mai arde de joaca cu adornosuri... Depinde. Asta mi se intampla mie... Banuiesc ca la fiecare e altfel.

Iar sambata seara am vazut niste adornosuri care apartineau efectiv persoanei respective. Asta a fost nemaipomenit!
5:45AM a spus…
Nu stiu de ce spui tu ca lumea nu e relaxata la milongile organizate de scoli?! Daca e lume cu chef imediat se dezorganizeaza si iese fain, daca nu... nu :)

Conteaza si lumea si muzica si ce mai vrei tu. Eu imi aduc aminte de milongi la fel de fine ca si cele private. Mie daca nu-mi place iau nishte tangueros facem o milonga adhoc in piata publica.

Intr-adevar la ultimele milongi lumea a fost cam obosita, dupa o lunga perioada de seminarii...

Si da, fetele-au mai inceput s-adorneze de cand cu Jennifer, Doamne-ajuta!

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