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(for Romanian version, scroll down)
(for Romanian version, scroll down)
The last 2 years
The last two years have been the fullest years of my life, I think…
I was talking to a very close friend, that if we write down all that happened to us since we met tango, we could write a river novel!
I was talking to a very close friend, that if we write down all that happened to us since we met tango, we could write a river novel!
I was flirting with this idea… but… I didn’t know where to start from. Firstly, the story seemed way too personal to me, and it would be filled with so many things that the reader would find himself lost between so many stories, characters and emotions; also, it could only be published after 50 years… you know, some private diaries of VIPs or politicians have never been published, even if they had been written at the beginning of the last century… not that I am a VIP or that I could politicize!
Looking for the photos taken last year with Ney I found lots of CDs made during the time. All of them were related to tango, and watching them all over again I relived a lot of those moments! I thought to myself, ok, these photos are nice, I could post them on the blog! Obviously, I can’t stick them there, just like that, because nobody would understand a thing, ever! Each photo has a story… at least my story, and I am sure that most of us (I am talking about Romanian tangueros) will recall some moments watching those photos!
Ultimii doi ani
Ultimii doi ani au fost cei mai plini din viata mea cred…
Ultimii doi ani au fost cei mai plini din viata mea cred…
Vorbeam la un momet dat cu un prieten tare drag, ca daca am scrie tot ce ni s-a intamplat si tot ce am trait de cand am dat de tango, am putea scrie romane intregi!
Ma invarteam in jurul acestei idei… dar parca nu… nu… nu stiam de unde s-o apuc. In primul rand povestea mi se parea mult prea personala, si ar fi fost o carte cu atatea lucruri, incat, pana la urma, cititorul s-ar pierde intre atatea istorii, personaje si emotii; si apoi, nu ar fi putut fi publicata decat dupa 50 de ani… unele jurnale ale persoanelor publice, sau din lumea politica nu s-au publicat nici in ziua de astazi, desi ele dateaza de la inceputul secolului trecut… nu ca as fi o persoana publica sau ca as face politica!
Cautand pozele de anul trecut cu Ney, am gasit CD-uri intregi cu poze facute de-a lungul timpului, toate legate de tango, si revazandu-le, am retrait momente! Am zis, ok, uite astea sunt faine, as putea sa le pun pe blog! Evident nu pot sa le trantesc asa, pur si simplu, pentru ca nimeni nu ar intelege nimic! Fiecare poza are o poveste in spate… cel putin povestea mea, si sunt sigura ca multi dintre noi, vazand aceste imagini isi vor aminti lucruri!
Astept o istorie universala a tangoului din .ro
am auzit doar de legenda de la Amsterdam Grand Cafe... si la un momentdat am incept sa ma enervez ca eu nu o traisem, dar toata lumea vorbea...!
Pozele cu pantofii???????????????