The Color of Tango

5-6 ani in urma, dupa lectiile de tango, obisnuiam sa mergem cu gasca undeva in oras, la un pahar de vorba; evident, discutiile puteau continua luni in sir, numai despre tango. Una din povestile pe care ne-a spus-o profu' atunci mi-a ramas in minte, despre culoarea tangoului. Toti, fara nici o exceptie sunt convinsa ca va ganditi la rosu. Ei bine, NU!

Povestea, pe scurt, din aduceri aminte, era cam asa: dupa ce tangoul a ajuns in Franta, si a facut ravagii, un croitor de pe acolo avea un mare stoc de material oranj, pe care nu reusea sa-l dovedeasca nici cum. Ce s-a gandit? Sa-i puna numele de "Tango". Imediat materialul oranj a fost consumat... deci, culoarea tangoului din aceasta banala intamplare, a ramas oranj, nicidecum rosu!

Am cautat pe net, si povestea se confirma:

If you ask someone what color they associate with Argentine Tango dance, many will guess Red. Must be because of the image of a woman dancer with a red rose in her teeth. Just Google “Tango and Red Rose” for images and enjoy a few nice ones :). Yes, I know, cheesy, but what can one do? Somebody started the trend, and it stuck.

Yet, red is not the color of Argentine Tango. Most experts will state that there is no such thing as the color of Tango. If so, I’ll say that they might have missed a little known tidbit of history. It turns out that there Was a color of Tango, albeit around 100 years ago.

Here is the short story: in the beginning of the last century Argentine Tango came to Europe from Buenos Aires with children of wealthy Argentinians, who were sent to study in prestigious schools of France and other countries. Tango became very popular in Paris almost right away, it became a craze. Tango music was everywhere, Tango lessons, Tango dance, Tango everything…

It was during that period of time when a well known fashion designer got stuck with a lot of orange fabric. It’s just wasn’t selling. Being of a creative mind, he decided to draw attention to his unsold stock by naming that color Tango Orange. In no time the orange fabric inventory was sold, as everyone wanted to be a part of that craze – if not by dancing, at least by wearing a “Tango color”.

So there, while there might not be an official color of Argentine Tango, if history is any indication, in the beginning of the last century in France there was one. And it was Orange."

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Povestea nu se incheie aici, ba mai mult, continua in zilele noastre, la scara internationala:

Dance into the New Year with this Vivacious and Appealing Reddish Orange.
The 2011 color of the year, PANTONE 18-2120 Honeysuckle, encouraged us to face everyday troubles with verve and vigor. Tangerine Tango, a spirited reddish orange, continues to provide the energy boost we need to recharge and move forward.

“Sophisticated but at the same time dramatic and seductive, Tangerine Tango is an orange with a lot of depth to it,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “Reminiscent of the radiant shadings of a sunset, Tangerine Tango marries the vivaciousness and adrenaline rush of red with the friendliness and warmth of yellow, to form a high-visibility, magnetic hue that emanates heat and energy.”

Over the past several years, orange has grown in popularity and acceptance among designers and consumers alike. A provocative attention-getter, Tangerine Tango is especially appealing in men’s and women’s fashion. Fashion designers featured in the PANTONE Fashion Color Report Spring 2012, including Tommy Hilfiger, Nanette Lepore, Cynthia Steffe by Shaun Kearney, Elie Tahari and Adrienne Vittadini, are incorporating this attractive orange into their spring collections. A fun, lively take on a traditional autumnal hue, Tangerine Tango will surely carry through to fall fashion as well.

A winner in cosmetics because of its versatility, Tangerine Tango is a bit exotic, but in a very friendly, non-threatening way. Add a sultry flair to lips, cheeks and nails with Tangerine Tango. An unexpected eye shadow color, Tangerine Tango is a complementary opposite that flatters blue or green eyes. When paired with brown eyes, it brings out an amber cast.

Energize interior spaces with Tangerine Tango patterned home accessories. Pillows, bedspreads and tabletop accessories in this high-impact hue add spice to any room. Or incorporate Tangerine Tango appliances and personal electronics for an unexpected pop of color. Looking for an inexpensive way to perk up your home? Paint a wall in Tangerine Tango for a dynamic burst of energy in the kitchen, entryway or hallway."


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