DRAGOBETE 30 Hours Milonga Love, 3rd edition: 21 - 24 Febuary 2014, Bucharest

Did you like our 30 HOURS MILONGA LOVE 2nd edition Sofia?
Then come to the 3rd one - 21 - 24 Feb. 2014, Bucharest - DRAGOBETE 30 Hours Milonga Love.

" In Romania, Dragobete is known as a day for lovers. Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday originating from Dacian times and celebrated on February, the 24th. Specifically, Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia, which stands for the main character in the pagan myth related to spring arrival and the end of the harsh winter.
Maidens used to collect the snow that still lies on the ground in many villages and then melt it, using the water in magic love potions throughout the rest of the year."

We wait for you to celebrate together Dragobete @ 30 Hours Milonga Love 3rd edition


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