Ne face o mare plăcere să vă anunțăm și să vă invităm la un eveniment foarte important al acestei toamne - Seminarul Intensiv de Tango Argentinian cu Carla Marano si Octavio Fernandez - maeștrii noștri dragi din Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Friday, Nov 18
20:30 - 23:30
PP - Practica "La Propuesta" - Restaurant No.10
Saturday, Nov 19
12.00 - 13.15
WS1 - #qualitywalk Walk: the Tango Way: walking forward and backward; side steps; technique for men and women; incremental transfer of weight, balance, axis; practical exercises and explanations
13.45 - 15.00
WS2 - #quality8 Everything you wanted to know about ochos: leading and following back and front ochos; pivots, using the embrace during ochos; practical exercises and explanations
15.30 - 16.45
WS3 - #pause&play Music, movement and silence: using stops and pauses during the dance; parada, corte, cut movements
21.00 Milonga con Show Maestros Octavio Fernandez y Carla Marano - TBD
Sunday, Nov 20
12.00 - 13.15
WS4 - #qualitygiro Energy and circles: giro, turning energy; center vs circumference in giro; practical exercises and explanations
13.45 - 15.00
WS5 - #mix&match Boleo combos from planeos: options and possibilities around planeo: using the woman's planeo during the dance;
15.30 - 16.45
WS6 - #his&hers Fluid flow: sacadas for both roles; combinatios; fluid movement
20.00 Milonga a los AMIGOS - TBD
Monday, Nov 21
19.30 - 20.45
WT1 - #equilibrium: axis, pivots, centre of balance, technical explanations and practice
21.00 - 22.15
WT1 - #practicemakesperfect: musical combos for technical practice; adding music to tech. practice
21.00 - 22.15
MT1 - #malepractice: Equilibrium - Mastering balance while leading: technical explanations & practice
Full info and registration here:
Un workshop individual: 27 Eur sau 120 Ron
Practica La Propuesta (vineri) - 25 Ron
Milonga cu Showul maestrilor (sambata) - 50 Ron
Milonga a los Amigos (duminică) - 25 Ron
Puteti beneficia de reduceri daca achizitionati pachete de curs:
Smart Pack - 111 Eur (sau 500 Ron)
4 workshopuri + Un seminar de tehnică + 3 seri dansante
Full Pack - 149 Eur sau (670 Ron)
6 workshopuri + Un seminar de tehnică + 3 seri dansante
Locurile sunt limitate! Vă asteptam din timp!