Damian Thompson & Oana Danzer - argentinian tango workshop in Bucharest

Dragii mei dragi, mai jos tematica propusa de noi pentru atelierele de tango - nivel intermediari/avansati. Pentru nivelul incepatori, atelierul de tango va incepe pe 16 martie, cu un weekend mai devreme, timp de 6 zile. Mai exact Sambata si Duminica cate doua lectii, iar in timpul saptamanii de la ora 19:30, mai putin Joi cand vom incepe de la ora 21:00.

Workshop tematics – subject to change depending on the level

1. Frame Dynamics and the Secrets of Leading and Following – this workshops develops concepts to further enhance your skills as an already great social dancer

2. Ocho Milonguero to Contempory Ocho – how the oldest ocho became what it istoday – the history of the ocho and how to lead all the different types

3. To Gancho, or Not to Gancho – Not just should I? But when should I? How are gancho's done to different parts of the music? Timings for Con Gancho's (slower and sultry), and Contra Gancho's (sharper and faster). What parts of the music ask for, or could be used with the sharp expression of a Gancho, or softly done.

4. Engancho's – with the simple methodology of tic tac toe, you will now begin to understand where, when and why the engancho is and amazingly simple step with so many possibilities. For advanced to master dancers, learn how to apply this for the leader to employ and so followers easily understand.

5. Boleo's – “Con” or with boleo's and “Contra” or against boleo's. The 'con' refers to travelling in the same direction as the followers pivot to create a smooth soft boleo and the 'contra' is beginning in the same direction, but finishing in the opposite direction, hence, against.

6. Isolating the Lead – 2 for 1, 3 for 1 – learning how to lead so either person is able to do continuous steps without the partner taking any steps. 2 steps for 1, or 3 steps for 1. (Note – cross system Leader outside partner left switching to parallel works in reverse with LOD)

7. Cross to Cross – using a more subtle weight change for cross system to lead the follower to the cross, giving the follower more time for adornments.

8. The Woman's Planeo – introduction to the followers’ planeo, understanding how and why!The Man's Planeo – an introduction to the leaders planeo. Required before this is the a thorough knowledge of the giro for the follower and an extended knowledge of contra-body technique.

9. How to create tango – thinking on the fly with what comes next.... This class is all about how to create many combinations from just a few techniques whilst practicing great tango.

Programul lectiilor:

1. Joi - 19:30-21:00
2. Vineri - 19:00-20:30
3. Sambata - 11:30-13:00/ 17:00-18:30/19:00-20:30
4. Duminica - 15:00-16:30/17:00-18:30

NU UITATI DE MOVIE MILONGA!!!! Milonga de Sambata seara ora 23:00, care va avea ca tematica, binenteles "Filmele", astfel incat va asteptam imbracati coafati si aranjati in personajele indragite de voi din filme ... James Bond, Catwoman, Superman ... !!!!

Full pass workshops + milonga = 86 euro
Full pass workshops (7 workshops) = 84 euro
Weekend pass (5 lessons) + milonga = 62 euro
Weekend pass (5 lessons) = 60 euro
Price per lesson = 14 euro
Saturday night Milonga = 4,5 euro (20 lei)

Va asteptam! Inscrieri la oanadanzer@yahoo.com! Multumim!!!


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