Milonga Nuevo in Bucharest - Milonga Nuevo in Bucuresti

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Milonga Nuevo in Bucharest

Sunday evening I learned there was a nuevo milonga in Bucharest. It was the second time they were organizing it, but the first time I didn’t go. I wanted to go to see how it was and to check the location. I’m not a fun of nuevo, and a whole night without Tanturi or Troilo or D’Arienzo or Biagi or Pugliese it kinda kills me. But I wanted to dance that night.

Besides those people I came with, plus the organizers and some other faces, I didn’t know anybody when we arrived. That’s a good thing, as this is a sign that the tango community grows. I have to admit that I didn’t know the music. New place, new people, new music. The fact I didn’t have the basic for nuevo as I didn’t go to Ismael Ludman workshop, doubled by the feeling that everybody was looking at me and noticed I didn’t know the basic principles for nuevo (but they did know them), made me sit and not wanting to dance. But I had the opportunity to watch. To be honest I hoped they will make at least one separation between tandas with Troilo or something, as I started to feel bored of nuevo. But this was only my problem. Finally I couldn’t refuse the invitation of an older leader (older in tango) that I used to dance well, some time ago, and I had a amusing dance.

Just when I wanted to leave, with my boots on, the music changed, and I danced on a song that I liked very much, with much pleasure even if my shoe string were not laced. Finally I started to feel good. And then, we stayed longer. Nice. It’s a good thing we have a nuevo milonga in Bucharest, as things begin to diversify for all type of people. I don’t know if this milonga it’s a regular milonga, but surely it is announced on one of the 3 sites; I didn’t check… but surely there is a way people can learn about this event.

Milonga Nuevo in Bucuresti

Duminica seara am aflat ca e o milonga de nuevo. Mai fusese odata, dar nu am fost atunci. Am zis sa mergem, ca sa vad despre ce e vorba, sa vedem locatia. Nu ma omor cu nuevo, si o seara intreaga de dans fara Tanturi sau Troilo sau D’Arienzo sau Biagi sau Pugliese ma cam omoara. Dar chef de dans aveam.

Inafara de cei cu care venisem, organizatori si inca cateva fetze, nu cunosteam pe nimeni cand am ajuns. Lucru bun, ca asa vad cum creste comunitatea. Muzica, recunosc, nu prea o stiam. Locul nou, oameni noi, muzica noua. Faptul ca nu am cunostinte de baza despre nuevo, ca nu fusesem la seminarul de nuevo al lui Ismael, si ca aveam senzatia ca toti se vor uita la mine si vor remarca ca nu stiu principiile de baza pentru nuevo pe care ei le stiu, m-au facut sa stau foarte mult in expectativa, si sa nu vreau sa dansez. Am avut in schimb posibilitatea sa ma uit. Sincer imi doream ca macar o cortina sa puna si ei cu Troilo macar, ca incepusem sa ma plictisesc de atata nuevo. Dar asta e numai problema mea. N-am putut insa sa refuz invitatia unui vechi leader, cu care dansam fain pe vremuri, si cu care m-am amuzat foarte tare pana la urma.

Cand eram pe punctul de a pleca, chiar imi luasem ghetele in picioare, muzica s-a schimbat, si am dansat o melodie care imi placea foarte mult, cu multa pofta, chiar daca eram descheiata la shireturile de la ghete. Intr-un final am inceput sa ma simt bine. Si apoi am mai ramas. Fain. E bine ca in Bucuresti avem si milonga numai de nuevo, lucrurile incep sa se diversifice, pentru toate gusturile. Nu stiu daca este o milonga regulata, dar sigur e anuntzata pe unul din cele 3 site-uri, io nu am mai verificat… dar altfel nu stiu cum afla lumea de acest eveniment.


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