UTM - Un Tango Mas

(pentru versiunea in Romana, vedeti mai jos)
(for Romanian version, scroll down)


Un Tango Mas. A story about tango said through dance, or a story said through tango. Can be both of them, the two are valid in my opinion.

A very nice story “mis en scene”, starting with the movement of actors on the stage, lights, costumes, choreography, improvisation and ending with the expression. In fact, without expression this show wouldn’t even exist. The music is very well chosen and alternates moments of joy, expansion, tension, sweetness, pain, etc. Very good sequence of moments and music, from the beginning to the end, the last two moments are very well arranged.

I saw this show at least 7-8 times as an onlooker, and I felt the emotion from both sides: the public emotion and the dancer’s emotions, on the stage and in the backstage.
After the first audience, I needed at least 20 minutes to recover, and to be able to go back in the daily life, and happened again the second and the third time when I saw this show! The emotional charge is great, very great, both on the stage and within the audience. Doesn’t matter if you dance or if you watch it, after the show you feel like after flying in a paradigling. And every time you see it, you discover details you haven’t noticed before.

Tango, as any other “activity”, can be art. Painting, sculpture, photographing, ballet, theatre, cinema are all art. Art has its muses and finds its inspiration anywhere, in any field. We can find paintings, sculptures, photos, ballets, plays, movies with tango. Tango is a very good subject to all these forms of art, besides the fact that tango in itself is an art. When tango is used as above, it will be changed, it will no longer be found in its well known form, but reshaped, and then, we have to put our opinion away, and to open our mind to see how others saw tango. We don’t need to agree or to like their vision, but to understand that tango becomes something else. Anyway, I think there is nothing in pure form, and as a consequence, tango is relative! And each of us sees something else in tango, as two people see differently the same painting, perception is different due to several things from the mood to the level of information in that area.

The question is if we are willing to be open, to receive what others say about things we think we already now, not pretending we know better and not imposing our point of view, as often happens. Mixing several instruments of expression can be very beautiful and interesting.
This is a show worth to be lived.

Un Tango Mas. O poveste din tango spusa prin dans, sau o poveste spusa prin tango. Poti s-o iei oricum, ambele variante sunt valabile dupa mine.

Poveste foarte fain pusa in scena, incepand cu miscarea scenica, lumini, costume, coregrafie, improvizatie si terminand, dar nu in ultimul rand, cu expresia. De fapt, fara expresie, acest spectacol nici nu ar mai exista. Muzica bine aleasa alterneaza momente de bucurie, expansiune, tensiune, dulceata, suferinta, etc.. Buna succesiune a momentelor si a muzicii, de la inceput si mai ales la sfarsit, ultimele doua momente fiind incredibil de bine gandite din acest punct de vedere.

Am vazut spectacolul de cel putin 7-8 ori ca spectator in gradene, si am simtit emotia de partea ambelor baricade, cea a publicului si cea a dansatorilor, in sala si in culise.

Dupa prima vizionare, mi-au trebuit cel putin 20 de minute sa-mi revin, si sa pot iesi din nou pe strada in viatza cotidiana, si acelasi lucru mi s-a intamplat si a doua si a treia si ultima oara cand l-am vizionat! Incarcatura emotionala este mare, foarte mare, si in sala, si pe scena. Ca dansezi sau ca vizionezi, dupa un spectacol te poti simti ca dupa un zbor cu parapanta. Si la fiecare vizionare descoperi alte detalii pe care nu le-ai sesizat la vizionarea precedenta.

Tango, ca orice alta “activitate”, poate fi pana la capat o arta. Pictura, sculptura, fotografia, baletul, teatrul, cinematografia, si altele, sunt toate arta. Arta, isi are muzele si inspiratia oriunde, in orice domeniu. Poti gasi picturi, sculpturi, fotografii, balete, piese de tatru, filme cu tango. Tango este un bun subiect pentru oricare din aceste forme de arta, pe langa faptul ca el insusi este o arta. In momentul in care este in felul acesta folosit, va fi deformat, nu va mai fi intr-o forma bine cunoscuta, ci stilizat, si atunci trebuie sa lasam parerea noastra la o parte, si sa vedem cum au vrut altii sa vada tango. Nu trebuie sa fim de accord sau sa ne placa, ci trebuie sa realizam ca devine altceva. Oricum, nu cred ca exista nimic in forma pura, si tango este relativ! Si fiecare va vedea altceva in tango asa cum doua persoane vor vedea diferit aceeasi pictura, perceptia este diferita in functie de foarte multi factori de la starea de moment pana la nivelul de informare in domeniu. Problema este daca vrem sa fim deschisi, si sa primim ce spun si altii despre ce credem ca cunoastem deja, fara sa avem pretentia ca stim si fara sa vrem sa ne impunem propriul punct de vedere, cum des se intampla. Frumoasa si interesanta e intalnirea dintre doua sau mai multe mijloace de exprimare.

Un spectacol care merita trait.

Un spectacol de: Razvan Mazilu
Directia de scena: Alexandru Dabija
Costumele: Wilhelmina Arz
Cu: Razvan Mazilu, Monica Petrica si Clubul Tangotangent (coordonator Daniel Mandita)

In foto de la stanga la dreapta Nadina Cazan, Gilbert Iscu, Anisia Popescu, Lucian Stan, Monica Petrica, Razvan Mazilu, Amalia Iscu, Daniel Mandita, Monica Surubariu)


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