Tango y nada mas, Photo exhibition - Tango y nada mas, expozitie foto

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Tango y nada mas – Photo exhibition

There are only few ours left until the opening of photo exhibition… I just can’t wait! I am exhausted, I’m conserving my energies for tonight, for the milonga following the opening.

I spoke with the organizers, they were still at the exhibition place making the last arrangements; they worked hard to prepare this event.

I like the image; I like photos; I like to take pictures even if I’m not trained in this field. Once I was convinced that photos and tango are two opposite things. Lately I’ve seen maaaany tango photos, the Internet is full of tango photos, most of them cliché, few of them really nice or made by professionals/ amateurs able to catch the moment, the emotion, the attitude, the atmosphere, the movement. Well I think that has changed and everything is possible. There are people right beside me, Daniel and Emilian, and they can do it! Discretely, they succeded to capture the essence and through their photos transpire tango. I thought that could never be done… the Secret? Maybe you have to dance tango, to understand, in order to be able to express it through image.

Since I was 3-4 years old my father took me everywhere, I raised in varnishing days, painting exhibitions, television, stages with costumes, decors, filming with teams of directors, cameramen, actors, I’ve seen scenes and scenes, coupling photos, warehouses of costumes at Buftea... all this put something upon me. I wanted to apply to Fine Arts University, it wasn’t meant to be! But I think I have an eye for arts. All I can say about Emilian’s photos is that some of them are like images from a movie! Cineverites.
And here I am at 3-4 years held by my father’s hand, beside the regretted scenographer Gil Luscov, at the opening of scenography exhibition of Valeria Stoleru, June 1979.

After many years, through tango, I reached the same world… hm, interesting…!Enough! I’m going to prepare myself for tonight!

Tango y nada mas - expozitie foto

Mai sunt cateva ore pana la vernsajul expozitiei de fotografie... abiea astept! Sunt cam epuizata, imi pastrez fortele pentru diseara, pentru milonga ce va urma dupa vernisaj.

Am vorbit cu organizatorii, erau inca la sala de expozitie unde faceau ultimele aranjamente, au muncit foarte mult sa pregateasca acest moment.

Imi place imaginea; imi plac pozele; imi place sa fac poze desi nu am instruire in domeniu. La un moment dat am fost chiar convinsa ca pozele si tango sunt doua lucruri care se bat cap in cap. In ultimul timp am vazut muuuuulte poze cu tango, internetul duduie de poze, majoritatea clishee, putine poze insa care sa fie intr-adevar faine sau facute de profesionisti/neprofesionisti capabili sa surprinda momentul, emotia, atitudinea, atmosfera, miscarea. Ei bine am descoperit ca se poate. Exista oameni, chiar langa mine, Daniel si Emilian, care pot face acest lucru! Discret, fara sa le simti prezenta ei au reusit sa prinda esenta, iar prin pozele lor transpira tango. Nu credeam ca se poate... Secretul? Probabil trebuie sa dansezi tango, sa intelegi, ca poti sa poti sa redai.

Inca de la 3-4 ani tata m-a luat cu el peste tot, am crescut la vernisaje, expozitii de pictura, in televiziune, pe platouri de filmare, cu costume, decoruri, filmari, echipe de regizori, operatori, actori, am vazut duble dupa duble, poze pentru racorduri, depozitele de costume de la Buftea... toate aste nu au trecut pur si simplu pe langa mine. Am vrut sa fac arte plastice, nu a fost sa fie! Dar cred ca mi-am format un ochi cat de cat depre lumea artei. Tot ce pot sa spun despre fotografiile lui Emilian este ca unele dintre ele parca sunt imagini dintr-un film! Cineveriteuri.

Si iata-ma la 3 ani si 10 luni de mana cu tata, langa regretatul scenograf Gil Luscov, la vernisajul expozitiei de scenografie al Valeriei Stoleru, iunie 1979.

Dupa multi ani, prin tango, ajung in aceeasi lume... a dracului dracie...!

Gata, cu amintirile, ma duc sa ma pregatesc pentru diseara!


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