Mystery... in... Black @ Praktika Xperimental, 26 September 2009

Hola, tanguero friends!

We invite you to the next Praktika Xperimental - Mystery (in) Black, on Saturday, 26th September, to explore together the dance’s mystery. 

A dear friend of us said something like “Life is not to be solved but a mystery to be lived”… We feel that with dance it’s the same ☺

Let’s practice dancing the unexplained and unknown! 

DJ: Andrei –

Dress code: Black
Location: Studio Experimental, str. Hrisovului 2A (zona Pajura)
Time: 20.00 PM - 01.00 AM

Entrance fee: 15 Ron/pers

Si daca tot veni vorba, la Kolorida Praktika au fost anuntate toate evenimentele de tango care urmau sa aiba loc, indiferent de organizatori/scoli/profesori/Dj/oras, etc.

De asemenea, Studio Experimental isi propune promovarea tuturor evenimentelor de tango de acum incolo, asa ca nu va sfiiti sa aduceti materiale promotionale ale scolilor/evenimentelor sau pantofi, saculeti sau alte lucruri legate de tango!

Dupa atatea seminarii cu marii maestrii ca Arce si Rodrigues e timpul sa mai si punem in practica ce am invatat! Sunt curioasa al cui dans va fi mai misterios la "Mystery in Black!

See you there!


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