Bucharest Tango Encuentro Festival: April 22-25, 2010

Dragi prieteni,

Au mai ramas 3 saptamani pana la a II-a editie a Festivalului International de Tango Bucuresti, 22-25 Aprilie 2010! Ne bucuram sa stim ca vom avea atatia prieteni alaturi de noi pentru a sarbatori o minunata primavara de tango in Bucuresti!

Multumim pentru inscrierea in numar atat de mare - deja sunt peste 120 de persoane inregistrate la cursuri!!! Va anuntam ca la lectiile de tehnica pentru femei au mai ramas foarte putine locuri, prin urmare aceasta este ultima strigare!

Suntem fericiti sa avem printre noi iubitori de tango din Cluj, Brasov, Constanta, Iasi, precum si dansatori din peste 10 tari!

Locatiile de desfasurare a cursurilor si milongilor au fost deja publicate pe site-ul oficial al festivalului, cu exceptia celei pentru Milonga de deschidere a festivalului, care urmeaza sa fie anuntata saptamana viitoare. Puteti gasi locatiile direct la : http://www.bucharesttangofestival.com/en/info-festival/locations

Pentru alte informatii, program si inregistrari vizitati www.bucharesttangofestival.com sau contactati-ne la:

Monica: 0724 580 521
Gabriela: 0722 671 045
Email: contact@bucharesttangofestival.com

Va asteptam cu drag la sarbatoarea tangoului in Bucuresti!


Dear friends,

Three weeks to go till the 2nd Bucharest Tango Encuentro Festival, April 22-25, 2010!!! We are happy to know we'll have so many friends with us to celebrate a beautiful tango spring in Bucharest!

Thank you for registering in such a great number - we already have over 120 particpants in classes! We would like to inform you that the Women Technique classes are almost fully booked and this is the last call for the few places left, so hurry up!

We also have the pleasure to share this beautiful event with tango lovers from several cities in Romania - Cluj, Brasov, Constanta, Iasi - and from more than 10 countries!

The locations for classes, milongas and hotels were published on the official website of the festival, except for the location of the opening Milonga on Thursday which remains to be announced next week! You can find them at: http://www.bucharesttangofestival.com/en/info-festival/locations 

Classes fees

1 Class - 20 EUR
Package 4 classes - 72 EUR (10%off)
Package 8 classes -136 EUR (15%off)

WT = Women Technique
WT 1 Class - 20 EUR
Package WT 3 classes - 50 EUR(16%off)

Milongas fees

Package 4 milongas -35 EUR (20%off)

Afterparty fees


For more details, classes and registration please visit www.bucharesttangofestival.com or contact us at:

Monica: +40 724 580 521
Gabriela: +40 722 671 045
Email: contact@bucharesttangofestival.com

Welcome to the tango celebration in Bucharest!


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