Dragi prieteni,
Tango Studio Sibiu - Barbara Crisan & Dennis Mihai, au placerea de a va invita la prima editie Tango.1
Invitati speciali : Sabrina Concari y Jose Almar
Sabrina Concari :
A început studiile de dans la vârsta de șase ani, la Școala Municipală de Dans Clasic și Arte Scenice "Ernesto de Larrechea". Toată tinerețea ei a fost dedicata dansului. În 2004, a inceput sa studieze tangoul. Preda tango si sustine show-uri la diferite milongi atat in Buenos Aires cat si in restul Argentinei.
In iulie 2013, a facut parte din juriul concursului de Tango Salon Rosario, iar in 2014 la concursul Tango Mar del Plata impreuna cu Jorge Firpo.
In ultima perioda, s-a aflat in turneu prin Spania, Italia, Polonia, Franta, Olanda, Croatia si acum in Romania.
Organizeaza Festivalul Tango Extremo, care are loc in fiecare an, in august, in Buenos Aires, unde locuieste si lucreaza ca profesoara si dansatoare de tango, incercand sa transmita arta ei in fiecare actiune si lectie.
Jose Almar:
Jose este un artist care s-a dezvoltat in mai multe discipline. S-a născut în 1984, în Buenos Aires, Argentina. În 1998 a început sa studieze tehnica chitarii clasice, dar s-a specializat in muzica de tango. In paralel, in 1999, a inceput primii pasi de tango, fara sa stie ca va deveni principala lui cariera. Jose danseaza tango de aproape doua decenii si calatoreste in jurul lumii facand show-uri si dand lectii de tango din 2005.
In calatoriile sale, oameni din peste 11 tari si 25 de orase ale lumii, cunosc munca si dedicarea pentru arta ce a ales-o sau ce l-a ales : Tango.
Mai multe detalii despre preturi, cursuri, tdj si locatii in curand.
Contact organizatori :
Dennis - 0756 043 699
Barbara - 0723 309 119
English :
Dear friends,
Tango Studio Sibiu - Barbara Crisan & Dennis Mihai, have the pleasure to invite you to the first edition Tango.1
Special guests : Sabrian Concari y Jose Almar
Sabrina Concari :
Secundary School teacher by profession, began the dance studies at six years old at the Municipal School of Classical Dance and Scenic Arts "Ernesto de Larrechea". All her youth was doomed by the art of dancing .
In 2004 she decided to internalize the tango which caused her such great admiration for the music and the dance .
She has been giving tango lessons and playng shows in different milongas of Buenos Aires and in the interior of Argentina.
She was in the jury at Salon Tango Contest Rosario in July 2013,
Jury in the contest Tango Mar del Plata track, with Jorge Firpo in July 2014.
Currently touring different countries in Europe, such as Spain, Italy, Poland,France, the Netherlands and Croatia, participates in the first Tango Festival Marathon of Zagreb.
In charge of the production of "Festival Tango Extremo" held every year during the month of August in the city of Buenos Aires, where she lives and works as a dancer and Tango teacher, trying to carry and transmit her art in each of its actions and lessons.
Jose Almar:
José is an artist that has developed himself in different disciplines. He was born in 1984, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1998, he started his musical studies with the guitar. He went through the classical guitar technique, but specializes in Tango music. Parallelly, in 1999, he was giving the first steps in the Tango dance, without knowing that it will become his main career. José is dancing Tango for almost two decades and travelling around the world performing shows and giving tango lessons since 2005. In his journeys with the dancing and music, the people of more than eleven countries and 25 cities around the world knows his job and dedication to the art he chooses or that choose him: Tango.
More details about prices, classes and locations coming soon.
Contact organizers :
Dennis - 0756 043 699
Barbara - 0723 309 119