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I discovered tango. I started to attend classes. I began to learn about people, tango dancers, composers (and I couldn’t memorize their names), I started to see videos, and to learn about several events; one of them was CITA. After many searches I succeeded to see CITA finally (International Congress of Argentine Tango) 2004 and 2005. I drowned into ecstasy. What I saw there simply enchanted me. At that time I thought that was the essence of tango. For month I stared amazed, with admiration, with eyes wide open. At the beginning I saw it as a whole, I couldn’t figure out what they were doing on the stage, but it looked good, and obviously I was staring only to their feet! I didn’t have a clue how to watch and how to learn, and afterwards I grew a little, I learned from others how to watch and what to see, and all these according to my knowledge level. It happened to me thousands times to see a certain video, at different moments in time, and to discover each time something else.

I think I know CITA dances by heart… I know how the dancers are dressed, who is dancing on a certain song, I know what song comes next, and it happened a very weird thing to me: I danced on a song (that was never heard at milonga) and on a certain part of the song I waited a certain “combination” of steps, and I expected my partner to give me those steps! Surprise, it didn’t happen! What happened? I realized in that very moment that I learned by heart (mentally) the “choreography” from that video!!!!!!! Ups! That was an experience! I never thought I had such a good memory, if I would try to learn it maybe I didn’t succeed!

Let’s come back to the subject. I admit there are shows in CITA I never saw from the beginning to the end as they were boring for me, and I was going further, to the next one. This autumn, I watched CITA once again. I saw Salas: he always opens the festival with the same dance (Bahia blanca) – at least he did so both in CITA 2004 and CITA 2005); I saw Sergio Natario and Alejandra Arue doing the same choreography on the same music on both festivals 2004 and 2005, and I saw Nancy and Damian, and it seemed to me they did the same choreography, … and in that moment a whole world collapsed for me, a myth was destroyed. All that I saw on CITA stage was COREOGRAPHY … disappointing! I’m talking only about the show, not about the demos fund as bonus on the DVDs, demos made during the events/milongas where you can see improvisation. For a moment I asked my self why Geraldine, Javier, Andrea Misse, Dispari, La Turca, Veron, Fernanda si Guillermo, or others like them were not on CITA stage, but there were many others as ballet dancers, women dancing together with japaneese chimonos and swords, disguised dancers as Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, single woman dancing with coat hanger …. What was this??? Only then I saw what CITA was exactly. A promotion show, collecting coreographies, tango show… it was not that far from Tango Passion which I didn’t want to hear about. So comercial! … I got sad in a way. I wondered what exactly they want to promote. But through all this mix - where Salas wanted to demo that tango could be different and it didn’t have to be in only one way, as los milongueros wanted to preserve it – we could find very refined things, which were far away, into another category. I wonder how these amazing things went on the stage...

One of those amazing things is Osvaldo and Coca dancing as at a milonga in Bs As, (not that I was there and I can tell this from my experience), but they are among those who do not throw theirs legs in the air (not that they still have this option at their age) and they dance amazingly, with so much musicality, simple and of common sense. I’m speechless when I have to talk about their dance.

And the second one is Corina and Julio … no comment. Corina and Julio are Corina and Julio, and Milonga del Ayer at CITA 2005 is a reference for many of us. PS: Later, I saw that Geraldine has been invited to dance at next CITAs…
PS: Later, I saw that Geraldine has been invited to dance at next CITAs…

Am descoperit tango. Am inceput sa iau lectii. Am inceput sa aud de diversi oameni, dansatori de tango, compozitori de tango (a caror nume nu le puteam memora), am inceput sa vad clip-uri, si sa aflu de diverse manifestari; una din ele a fost CITA. Dupa multe cautari am reusit sa vad CITA (Congresul International de Tango Argentinian) 2004 si 2005. Am cazut in extaz. Ce am vazut acolo m-a vrajit pur si simplu. Am crezut la vremea respectiva ca ce vedeam este esentza tangoului. M-am uitat luni in sir cu admiratie si uimire si cu ochii mari. La inceput, in primele luni vedeam un tot artistic, nu puteam sa-mi dau seama ce faceau ei acolo, dar dadea bine, si evident ma uitam numai la picioare. Nu stiam cum sa ma uit si cum sa invatz, apoi am mai crescut, am mai invatzat de la unii si de la altii cum sa ma uit si ce sa vad, si toate astea evident in directa proportionalitate cu nivelul meu de cunostintze. Mi s-a intamplat de nenunarate ori sa ma uit la un video anume, in diverse momente, si sa descopar de fiecaredata altceva.

Cred ca stiu dansurile acelea pe dinafara… Stiu cum sunt imbracati dansatorii, cine pe ce melodie danseaza, succesiunea dansurilor, si mi s-a intamplat un lucru foarte curios chiar, am dansat o melodie (care in mod normal nu este pusa la nici o milonga) si pe o anumita bucata de melodie m-am asteptat la o anumita secventa de pasi, si ma asteptam ca pertenerul sa-mi dea acele structuri! Surpriza, nu mi le-a dat! Ce se intamplase? Am realizat ca invatzasem mental coregrafia din acel video pe dianfara!!!!!!! Zic, ups! A fost intr-adevar o experientza! Nu ma asteptam sa am asa o memorie buna, daca m-as fi straduit s-o invatz, probabil nu as fi reusit!

Dar sa nu deviem. Recunosc ca sunt dansuri pe care nu le-am vizionat niciodata de la un cap la altul pentru ca pur si simplu ma plictiseau, si dadeam la urmatorul dans. Toamna asta, am revazut CITA. L-am vazut pe Salas care si in CITA 2004 si in CITA 2005 deschide festivalul cu aceeasi melodie, Bahia Blanca; i-am vazut pe Sergio Natario si Alejandra Arue cu aceeasi melodie si aceeasi coregrafie si in 2004 si in 2005, si pe Nancy si Damian, care fac parca aceeasi coregrafie, … si in acel moment mi s-a naruit un mit. Ce era la CITA, era COREGRAFIE… dezamagitor! Vorbesc despre Show efectiv, nu despre alte demonstratii puse ca bonus pe DVD de la evenimente intamplate cu ocazia CITA, unde mai sunt si improvizatii. Am avut un moment in care m-am intrebat de ce oare Geraldine, Javier, Andrea Misse, Dispari, La Turca, Veron, Fernanda si Guillermo, sau altii ca ei, nu erau invitati la CITA, insa apareau tot felul de mascarici, balerini dezbracati pana la brau, femei in chimonouri si sabii, deghizari in scufitze rosii si lupi, femei care danseaza singure cu umerashe…. Ce e asta??? Circoteca. Abiea in momentul respectiv am vazut ce era CITA. Un show de promovare, cu coregrafii, cu tango de scena… nu era departe de Tango Passion de care refuz cu indarjire sa aud, dar sa mai si vad. Atat de comercial! … M-am intristat oarecum. M-am intrabat ce Dumnezeu vor sa promoveze? E drept ca prin toata aceasta amestecatura - unde probabil Salas vrea sa demonstreze ca tango poate fi in diverse feluri si nu trebuie sa fie intr-un anume fel, asa cum vor los milongueros sa-l pastreze – gasesti niste lucruri de un mare rafinament, care sunt clar in alta categorie. Ma mir ca au scapat aceste lucruri pe scena ...

Una din ele este Osvaldo si Coca, care danseaza ca la o milonga autentica de Bs As (nu ca as fi fost eu acolo si pot sa spun acest lucru in cunostinta de cauza), dar sunt printre foarte putinii care nu arunca cu picioarele pe sus (nu ca ar mai avea aceste optiuni la varsta lor), si fac un dans absolut superb, de o muzicalitate, simplitate si bun simtz rar intalnite. N-am cuvinte pentru ce am vazut in dansurile lor.

By the way, ca sa consemnam aici si cateva date istorice, Coca si  Osvaldo au fost campionii modiali in 2004, iar CITA aniverseaza in 2008 zece ani de la prima editie.

Iar a doua este Corina si Julio, pentru care … no comment. Corina si Julio raman Corina si Julio, iar Milonga del Ayer de la CITA 2005 o sa ramana de referintza pentru multi dintre noi.

PS: Am vazut ulterior, ca la urmatoarele CITA a fost si Geraldine…



Elina a spus…
you have a beautiful topic pisture! =)

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