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Nice nice anniversary
Like any other Saturday night, when there is no milonga in the city, we use to go to El Rojo to dance. Everyone is welcome, and there is no need of any “official invitation”, and everybody knows that, there is no secret! Yesterday night after midnight we celebrated the birthday of two tangueras born on the very same day! Joy and happiness! After singing “happy birthday to you” the two had to dance with all the gentlemen. And they asked for bis, twice! It was too late when I realized I could capture on tape this event, but I took some pictures…
Aniversare foarte faina
Ca in fiecare seara de sambata cand nu se anunta si organizeaza nici o alta milonga in oras, ne strangem la El Rojo sa dansam. Oricine e binevenit, iar invitatiile "oficiale" sunt de prisos, si asta se stie, nu este nimic secret! Ieri seara dupa ora 12 am sarbatorit ziua a doua tangueras nascute in aceeasi zi! Multa veselie si bucurie! Dupa ce s-a cantat traditionalul "La multi ani", cele doua sarbatorite au fost dansate de toti baietii, s-au cerut bisuri, doua! Evenimentele m-au prins destul de tare si a fost tarziu cand am vrut sa filmez... dar am apucat sa fac ceva poze la un moment dat.