Tango Collection Spring Summer 2011
Hola a todos,
Fabrica de Tango is happy to bring you a collection of top Argentinean tango dancers, pret-a-danser, for almost 9 ½ weeks full of passion and love for tango.
* May 9 – June 8: Lucia Mirzan and Cesar Agazzi will teach regular genuine tango salon classes at affordable tariffs, for beginner, intermediate and advanced level.
* 9th - 12th of June: TANGO VERANO BUCHAREST FESTIVALl features tango salon world champion Fabian Peralta & Josefina Bermudez Avila, Cesar Agazzi & Lucia Mirzan, and special numbers of Tango Teatro, performed with actors of Passe Partout Dan Puric theatre company. All at great prices – 1 workshop is 14Euros – + great packages, great milongas, and a special week of tourism in Romania http://www.romania-active.com/gb/tango_tourism/
* July: the exceptional maestro el Flaco Dany gives us milonga lisa & contraspie. This is part of the special project Los Grandes Maestros del Tango, which last year brought Carlos & Rosa Perez, project that brings dancers as close as possible to tango origins, so that they can create their own style based on the genuine tango knowledge and spirit.
All info on schedule, bio, fees, as well as videos can be found on:
Please share this event to your friends that might be interested. Thank you!
We are fashionably ready for tango!