Bucharest Aires Tango Retreat: Virginia Pandolfi & Jonatan Aguero: 24-26 Noiembrie, Bucuresti

Dear tango lovers,

Our beloved and so charismatic maestros, true ambassadors of authentic tango from Argentina, we fell in love with in last years, here are coming back to Romania!
Yee, it's true, on November 24 – 26,

Virginia PANDOLFI y Jonatan AGUERO!!!

I am very happy to prepare for you a Bucharest Aires Invierno Tango Retreat where the amazing Argentine maestros, Virginia & Jonatan will bring us very interesting, different & new perspectives for growing our tango and will also strengthen the info that they've been teaching in their previous workshops here – Musicality & Technique Packages!

We will enjoy a blissful tango weekend retreat in Bucharest with brilliant workshops & performances by Vir y Jony and wonderful milongas with hot embraces in the winter and with amazing Djs. And more suprises to come! :)

#REGISTRATON is now OPEN!!! Private message at: Laura Iaru-FB or laura@tangobrujoromania.ro. And you'll receive the details for registration payment & confirmation in the message.

##PROGRAM– Workshop & Milongas:

FRIDAY, November 24th, 2017

21.30…: Hola Vir y Jony – Abrazos Calientes Milonga
Welcome Presentation Dance Jonathan Aguero y Virginia Pandolfi
Venue Milonga: TBA

SATURDAY, November 25th, 2017

14.00 – 16.00 (2hs): Musicality Package – Intensive Musicality Seminar with Virginia y Jonatan. Individual Participation
16.10 – 17.40 (1,5hs): Technique Package – Technique for Couples – Part 1 with Jony & Vir. Participation in couples (couples can be of the same gender, too)
17.50 – 19.25 (1,5hs): Technique Package – Technique for Couples – Part 2 with Jony & Vir. Participation in couples (couples can be of the same gender, too)
Venue Classes: Studio Art Shape - Street Victor Eftimiu no. 2 (in front of Hotel Opera).

22.00…: Your Tango Retreat Infinite Joys ( & tango dramas) Milonga. Performance of Maestros Jonathan Aguero y Virginia Vir Pandolfi
Venue Milonga: TBA

SUNDAY, November 26th, 2017

14.00 – 16.00 (2hs): Technique Package - Tecnica Mujer – Intensive Women Tecnique with Virginia Pandolfi
(& limited places for leaders who are interested to attend)/ Individual participation)
16.10 – 17.40 (2hs): Technique Package – Leaders Technique & Special Practica for Leaders with Jonatan Aguero (&limited places for followers who are interested to attend/ Individual participation)
17.50 – 19.25 (1,5hs): Technique Package – Technique for Couples – Part 3 with Jony & Vir. Participation in couples (couples can be of the same gender, too).
Venue Classes: Studio Art Shape - Street Victor Eftimiu no. 2 (in front of Hotel Opera).

20.00…: Hug Me for (no) Goodbyes Milonga
– Closing Dance of Jonathan y Virginia
Venue Milonga: TBA


#Prices per Workshop (out of packages):
- 1 Musicality Workshop (2hs) out of packages: 30 Eur/participant
- 1 Technique Women Workshop (2hs) out of packages: 30 Eur/participant
- 1 Technique Leaders Workshop & Special Leaders Practica (2hs) out of packages: 30 Eur/participant

- 1 Technique for Couples Workshop (1,5hs) out of packages: 25 Eur/per person;
# See below the Special Offer for Couples for the 4 Group Technique Ws!

#Packages with Discounts:
#Special Invierno Tango Musicality & Technique Package #: 1 Musicality Workshop + 1 Technique for Women or 1 Technique for Leaders Workshop: 55 Eur/person

- Package Group Technique Workshops only: 4 Group Technique for Couples Workshops with Jonatan y Virginia: 95 Eur/participant or #SpecialOffer for Couples registered together at once: 180 Eur/per Couple!! - find your match and register with him/her :)

- # FULL PASS BUCAREST AIRES TANGO RETREAT: 1 Musicality Workshop + 1 Technique Workshop (either for Women or for Leaders) + 4 Group Technique for Couples Workshops + 3 Milongas: 150 Eur/per person (-off% 184 eur)

### !! SPECIAL PROMO until OCT 15th For MUSICALITY & INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUE (Ladies or Leaders with payment up to Oct 15!) - 1 Musicality Workshop + 1 Technique for Women or 1 Technique for Leaders Workshop at only: 50 Eur/per person!!

### !! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT for everybody at Package FULL PASS BUCHREST AIRES TANGO RETREAT!! - valid until October 15, 2017 - Payment Done up to Oct 15 - Only 140 Eur/per person (-off% 184 eur!!

Milongas Prices:
Friday Welcome Milonga: 35 Ron (8 Eur)
Saturday Grand Milonga: 45 Ron (10 Eur)
Sunday Closing Milonga: 30 Ron (7 Eur)
Full Pass Milongas: 110 Ron (24 Eur)

##!! IMPORTANT – Please read:
- Registration becomes valid upon payment
- First come, first served
- Places are Limited
- Registration in couples is ideal. We even created special offer this time for this. So, find your match and register with him/her. But, if you don't have partner, we recommend you to register as single and we'll match you with a partner who registered as single, as well
- No other persons, except the ones who registered and paid for the packages are allowed to be present during the classes!! Thank you for understanding!!
- !!Refunds will be made just in the unhappy case of the cancellation of the event!!
- In case (also unhappy) that you realize, after you already registered, that you can't attend anymore due to any kind of reason, please kindly find someone of your role (i.e: leader or follower) to replace you and to buy the package from you, by paying you directly the amount of participation (that you previously payed to us)!!
Thank you in advance for your understanding these items and therefore, showing your support of making possible to happen a cultural art tango event that brings you high quality, essence of tango from Argentina, to your tango community in Romania!


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