Winter, tango indoors - Iarna, tango indoors

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Winter - tango indoors

December 2006. Cold outside. I am talking to a friend who is telling me she sings with Alexandru and Horia into a bar, that this is not milonga as usual and the event is not organized by any tango school. I do not understand a thing… who sings with Alexandru and Horia? When do they sing ? Where do they play? Why do they play if there is not a milonga? Finally I understand: she is going to sing with them! Surprise! I was very pleased and I couldn’t wait this to happen!

The first thing I did when I arrived there was to check the floor to see if we could dance… mh, there was no parquet, no wooden floor, just the cement floor…not good for dance,… for a moment I thought the place has not been finished but anyway, that was not a place for milonga…
I found the singer among the guests and I realized I was more nervous than she was about what was going to happen… I didn’t know how was she feeling but I was excited as if I was the one supposed to sing that night! I knew she used to sing, I’ve listened to her singing before, tango songs, at the seaside, but I’ve never heard her “in concert”!

There were many people from the tango world and few unknown people. It starts.

The room became too small for all the audience and because of the crowd it became intimate; we were all close to one another. Dim light and… music. Well-known songs that I heard so many times at milonga, in the park in Cismigiu… only in the parc I was going closer or farther from the instruments, while I was carried by the partner… now was something else. That night I sat in one place and all my attention was drown to the music, to the bandoneon and to the guitar. It was for the first time when Alexandru and Horia succeded to convey their music! Only in that moment I realized that at milonga I did not actively listen to the music! It was as if I listened that music for the first time! Something changed.

The first performances were only instrumental. Then came the vocal part. Great emotions. Mine! there was something, not in her voice, as she didn’t seem nervous! I liked it. Then another song; and some other instrumental songs, the emotions were gone and the vocal was back. The atmosphere was great and the public warm. Some Romanian songs, Zaraza, and again only instrumental but invigorating, airy songs.

The best was the vocal and guitar performing: Desde el Alma. I will always remember these two-three minutes … Marvelous. Unique. I don’t have words to describe…
I needed a break to recover.

On my way to the bar I passed by some dancers, despite the bad floor, there were two couples that really danced but I couldn’t remember when they started to dance. I was exhausted… and it was not me who sang! Weird experience!

And the most beautiful performances were the bis after Cumparsita. Ah, those waltzes! Looking now backwards, it seems to me so far away… as it was a dream.
The concert was over. Many left. I stayed. I had a tea, we talked… I watched the dancers dancing.

Yeah… it happened indeed!

Iarna - tango indoors

Ianuarie 2007. Frig afara. Vorbesc cu o prietena care imi zice ca o sa cante cu Alexandru si Horia intr-un bar, ca nu era milonga, ca de obicei cand cantau ei, ca toata treaba era organizata inafara scolilor de tango. Nu intelegeam nimic… cine o sa cante cu Alexandru si Horia? Cand o sa cante? Unde o sa cante? De ce o sa cante daca nu era milonga? Intr-un final, ma prind ca chiar ea o sa cante cu ei! Surpriza! Ma bucuram mult, si abiea asteptam sa se intample!

Am ajuns la locul cu pricina. Primul impuls a fost sa verific podeaua daca se putea dansa… uf, nu era nici parchet, nici podea de lemn, era lasata shapa… nu era bine pentru dans,… in primul moment am gandit ca barul nu era inca terminat, si ca nu era rost de milonga, in acea locatie…

Am gasit-o pe solista printre invitati, eram eu emotionata pentru ce urma! Nu stiu cum era ea, dar eu una eram … de parca urma sa cant eu! Stiam ca ea cantase intr-o vreme, o mai auzisem fredonand pe dig, la mare, melodii de tango, dar nu o auzisem niciodata “in concert”!

Multa lume de la tango. Putini necunoscuti. Incepe.

O camera care parea mica pentru cata lume venise si care prin aglomeratie devenise intima; eram toti mai aproape unul de celalalt. Lumina moderata si …muzica. Melodii bine stiute, pe care le auzisem de atatea ori la milonga, in parc in Cismigiu… dar acolo de fiecare data ma apropiam si ma departam de instrumente, dupa cum ma ducea dansul partenerului… acum era altceva. In seara asta am ramas intr-un punct fix, si toata atentia mea a fost numai la muzica, la bandoneon si la ghitara. Pentru prima data Alexandru si Horia a reusit sa-mi transmita muzica lor! Abiea atunci mi-am dat seama ca eu la milonga nu ascultam efectiv muzica! Parca auzeam pentru prima data ce cantau ei. Ceva se schimbase.

Au fost cateva melodii fara voce la inceput. Este invitata si vocea. Mari mari emotii. Ale mele, culmea! Se simtea ceva, nu neaparat in vocea ei, pentru ca nu parea deloc afectata! Eu eram cu sufletul la gura, imi placea. A mai urmat o melodie; eram cu ochii mari si cu urechile ciulite; nu-mi venea sa cred ca atunci, acolo, canta ea! Apoi cateva melodii instrumentale, trece tracul, si din nou vocea. A fost o atmosfera super faina, un public cald. Cateva melodii romanesti, o Zaraza, si din nou instrumental, tonic, vesel, cu suflu.

Punctul culminant, pentru mine, a fost vocea acompaniata numai de ghitara: Desde el Alma. S-a zbarlit pielea pe mine! Multa vreme o sa-mi reamintesc de aceste doua-trei minute… Minunate. Unice. Fara cuvinte…

Am avut nevoie de o pauza, de o tigara.

In drum spre bar am ocolit in hol dansatori, erau doua perechi care in ciuda podelei chiar au dansat. Nu stiu cand au inceput sa danseze. Eram epuizata, si nu cantasem eu! Ciudata experienta!

Si cele mai faine performantze au fost bisurile de dupa Cumparsita. Ah, valsurile alea! Uitandu-ma acum inapoi, imi pare ca a trecut atata vreme, … ca parca as fi visat.

Concertul s-a terminat. Multi au plecat. Eu am mai stat. Am mai intarziat, am mai vorbit,… m-am uitat la altii cum au dansat.

Da’ … chiar s-a intamplat!


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