I didn’t know how they were doing - Nu stiam cum faceau ei

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I didn’t know how they were doing

Long ago, when I used to go every Sunday to “Cina”, attempting the tango lesson and staying at milonga, I realized there were other tango events but I always learned about them after and not before… and I didn’t know when and where these events happened. Once I’ve been asked why I didn’t come to the milonga last Saturday, at “La Italieni”… I was very surprised… and answered that nobody told me about that! I felt somehow as an outsider while nobody told me nothing. I wished to go to other places, to dance if there was a milonga, but again nobody said nothing; I explained to the other person I thought that Saturday milonga was a private one; he replied it was for everyone, and there was a participation fee… ?!?!?!?
- Ok, but how do you know when and where is a milonga? How do you find it out?
- Well, X told me about…
- I want to come too, how do I learn about?
- I will tell you when others tell me.
- Ok, deal! And I’ll do the same!

For several months it was like that, and I kept the connection with others, or the instructors announced the milonga in the class. Advertising “bouch a l’oreil”… I had the impression that everything was kept as a secret, just “pour les connaisseurs” only for those ones that were part of a group, and I obviously was not part of that group.

Only afterwards I heard there was the site “El Tango”, where there was a forum and you could apply there to receive on e-mail news about classes, milonga and other events. Then Tango Tangent was born and had its site “Milonga” and you could apply to them too to receive news; later on came the forum “Caravana de Tango”. And the last one came with its site “Tango Brujo”. And not mentioning the SMS system outside the tango schools and the phone network…

Now there is a transparency, I might say, regarding the information about milongas, lessons, practica, seminars. All you have to do is to search the net and you surely find out. But I cannot forget those times when I had to interact with people to gain access to information. It happened to me, and I suppose I was not the only one!

One interesting thing is that now, when everybody has free access to information, the presence to milonga is weak. I suppose last seminars were very exhausting! …And too much tango is not good … yes, I have to admit it, I needed a tango break and not only once, but that is gone!... And I’m glad I’m back!

Nu stiam cum faceau ei

Demult de tot, cand mergeam eu duminica de duminica la Cina, la lectie si la milonga, din vorba in vorba mi-am dat seama ca mai aveau loc intalniri de tango in comunitate, dar nu stiam cand, unde, ce si cum. La un moment dat am fost intrebata de ce nu am fost si eu la o milonga “La Italieni”, sambata trecuta… Am facut ochii mari… si am zis ca pur si simplu n-am stiut. Intr-un fel ma simteam oarecum exclusa pentru ca nu-mi spusese nimeni nimic. Imi doream sa merg si in alte parti cand se mai intampla cate o milonga, dar nimeni nu-mi zicea; am explicat ca am crezut ca nu e pentru toata lumea; ba da, era pentru toata lumea, cu taxa de intrare, … ?!?!?!? Zic:

- Bine, dar voi cum aflati? De unde stiti?

- Pai mi-a spus si mie cutare…

- Vreau si io sa vin cand mai mergeti, cum fac sa stiu si io?

- Pai cand imi spun si mie altii o sa-ti zic si eu tie.

- Ok, batem palma! Si atunci, cand mai aflu si eu, iti zic si eu tie!

O perioada cam de cateva luni asa a fost, am tinut legatura cu oamenii; sau se mai anuntau la lectii urmatoarea milonga. Reclama “bouch a l’oreil”, sau mai pe romaneste, din gura in gura… Aveam senzatia ca totul e tinut secret, doar “pour les connaisseurs” si pentru cei care deja se aflau intr-un grup, in care eu evident nu eram.

Am aflat ca exista site-ul El Tango, unde era un forum la care te putei abona, si primeai pe mail noutati despre lectii, milonga si alte evenimente. Apoi a aparut si Tango Tangent cu site-ul milonga la care te puteai abona si primii noutati; mai tarziu s-a format si forumul Caravana de Tango. Iar de curand site-ul Tango Brujo. Nu mai punem la socoteala sistemul de SMS, independent de scolile de tango si mentinerea vechiului sistem “telefonul fara fir”…

Acum exista o transparentza, as zice eu, in ceea ce priveste informarea despre milongas, lectii, practica, seminarii. Nu trebuie decat sa dai o cautare pe net, si sigur gasesti. Dar au fost si perioade cand trebuia sa interactionezi cu oamenii, ca sa ai acces la informatie. Cel putin, mie asa mi s-a intamplat!

Ce ma distreaza in momentul de fatza e ca, desi lumea are acces liber la informatie, prezentza la milonga incepe sa se dilueze. Cred ca ultimele seminarii au epuizat asistentza! …Si prea mult tango strica… da, recunosc, si mie mi s-a luat la un moment dat, dar mi-a trecut!... Si ma bucur ca mi-am revenit!


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