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The Ioanid Park and a little tango in May
May 2006. I have learned the “Tango” magazine is celebrating one year of existence, in the Ioanid Park, but the invitations received by “El Tango” were not enough for all of us; I wanted to go, but it was too late to express my desire, so I let it go. That evening when I thought the event was over I called those I knew were there hoping they stopped somewhere in the city to have a drink and maybe I could join them. They were still in the park and told me to come quickly as Alexandru and Horia were still performing!
So I did. Arrived into the park the music led me to my friends. And to my surprise I heard Alexandru and Horia playing their last songs and that made me happy and surprised how the music could be heard into an open space like a park. There was a tango performance, fantasia of course, performed by my formal ballroom instructor, with his partner, but I arrived to late, so I could not see them dancing. I discretely checked the surfaces… there was not space to dance… the alleys had flagstones with big scallops in between… impossible to dance, and on the stage was out of question... it was not for us as there was the event taking place. I tried to dance on the asphalt, but a quickly quit.
I did like an evening in the park, outside classes, with all the people I met at tango, even if we didn’t dance and even if we really participate to the event. In fact it was not the event I was interested in, but the people you feel close to and some nice moments at the end when the equipment is unplugged and everybody is happy and has a good time.
Parcul Ioanid si putin tango in luna lui Florar
Mai 2006. Am auzit ca revista Tango aniveseaza un an de la lansare, in Parcul Ianid, dar invitatiile primite de El Tango erau limitate; vroiam sa merg, dar m-am trezit tarziu sa ma inscriu, nu mai erau locuri, asa ca m-am resemnat. In seara respectiva, cand m-am gandit io ca treaba deja se terminase i-am sunat pe cei care stiam ca au fost acolo, in speranta ca poate s-au oprit pe la un suc si puteam sa ma vad cu ei in oras. Erau inca la locul faptei si m-au certat ca de ce nu m-am dus si eu, ca unde umblu, ca sa fac bine sa ma duc acolo, si mai repede, pentru ca se termina recitalul lui Alexandru si Horia!
Zis si facut. In parc cand am ajuns m-am orientat dupa muzica. Am prins ultimele melodii cantate de Alexandru si Horia, dar m-am bucurat ca i-am putut auzi. M-a uimit cum se auzea muzica in parc. Fusese si un dans sau doua, tango de scena facut de fostul meu instructor de dans sportiv, cu partenera lui, dar am ajuns prea tarziu, si nu am apucat sa-i vad dansand. Am inspectat discret teritoriul… nu erau conditii de dans… aleile erau pavate cu dale mari si cu santzuri intre ele… imposibil de dansat, iar pe scena era exclus..., nu aveam noi ce cauta pe scena, ca acolo era punctul de atractie pentru numerele din programul evenimentului. Am incercat un dans sau doua pe o bucata de asfalt, dar m-am lasat repede pagubasa.
Mi-a placut o seara inafara lectiilor cu cei de la tango acolo in parc, chiar daca nu am dansat si nu am prins mare lucru din eveniment. De fapt nu evenimentul in sine ma interesa, ci oamenii de care te simti aproape si cateva momente faine la spartul targului cand se strange echipamentul si toata lumea e bine dispusa si s-a simtit bine.
Mi-a placut o seara inafara lectiilor cu cei de la tango acolo in parc, chiar daca nu am dansat si nu am prins mare lucru din eveniment. De fapt nu evenimentul in sine ma interesa, ci oamenii de care te simti aproape si cateva momente faine la spartul targului cand se strange echipamentul si toata lumea e bine dispusa si s-a simtit bine.