Autumn Tango Festival Budapest, September 2006 - part 3

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Autumn Tango Festival Budapest, September 2006 - part 3

The workshops took place at “Oktogon Tánc Centrum”; there were 3 big dance rooms, wooden floor, one ballroom for each teaching couple: Fernanda Ghi y Guillermo Merlo, Damián Essel y Nancy Louzán, Adrián Veredice y Alejandra Hobert. Honestly, I’ve never seen something like this before, such a big event and so many resources available just for tango. I was impressed.

During the first workshop I took (the advance class, the one that ruined my world) I saw Fernanda dancing, and suddenly the perception on tango changed radically. Tango can be understood only live, tango has to be felt; it is something that cannot be described in words, it is something transmitted, cannot be seen, it’s a mood, an energy, it is something… I don’t know… that moment I understood tango, the way she was transported into the dance, the connexion with her partner, this, I think, cannot be taught, maybe it can be stolen or transmitted/took only by living that experience.

Even it was an advanced class I learned basic things, valid for any level. Maybe they told us many other things, but I remember only those things I could understand at that time, based on my previous experience, related to my level.

When the workshops finished, most of us went home, only three tangueras stayed for the closing milonga that took place at Arts Palace. It was a milonga with no tandas, no cortinas, with alternative music (Sting), with tangueros dancing already for eight years. I learned there were 8 tango schools in Budapest, one of them recently opened and I made a quick computation… that means one new tango school every year. I was trying to make a picture of their community, how it grew, and I tried to establish parallels with our community, what is happening in Romania and to make an estimation of what might happen with our community, how things are going to happen. Talking with people I learned there were about 400 tangueros in Budapest (hope my memories are right).

I was happy I stayed for the last milonga, I had the occasion to see the 3 couples/teachers performing at the same time; they were very different; and I was happy to dance with Lotzi. On our way to the hostel we saw Budapest by night, we eat very good pancakes, we learned thing about organizing the tango festival, about tangueros and tango in Hungary, life in Budapest… tango and choices in life. Surprising thing: it was for the first time when being abroad I didn’t feel as a foreigner! All the time I felt at home! This thing named Tango, is breaking all barriers. You can be anywhere in this world, if you have tango, it feels like being home. It is so weird! And communication with people is different, everything seems natural, and you are at home!

And here are the performances of teachers in Budapest, all together: Adrian y Alejandra, Nacy y Damian, Fernanda y Guillermo (scroll down to see videos).

Festival de Tango Budapesta, septembrie 2006 – partea a 3-a

Seminariile s-au tinut la “Oktogon Tánc Centrum”, unde erau 3 sali mari, cu parchet, pentru fiecare pereche care preda: Fernanda Ghi y Guillermo Merlo, Damián Essel y Nancy Louzán, Adrián Veredice y Alejandra Hobert. Sincer, nu mai vazusem asa ceva inainte, o desfasurare de asa amploare si atatea resurse puse la dispozitie numai pentru tango. Am fost impresionata.

La primul seminar la care am participat (cel de avansati, la care mi s-a intors lumea cu sus-ul in jos) am vazut-o pe Fernanda dansad si dintr-o data am vazut tango alt fel. Daca esti acolo cand danseaza intelegi tango, sau mai degraba simti tango; e ceva imposibil de descris in cuvinte, e ceva care se transmite, nu se vede neaparat, este o stare, o energie, este ceva… nu stiu ce… cred ca abiea in acel moment am inteles tango, felul in care era transpusa in dans, conexiunea cu partenerul, asta nu cred ca se poate preda, poate ca se poate “fura” sau transmite/prelua numai prin trairea acelei experiente.

Si desi a fost ora de avansati am ramas cu cateva lucruri de baza, valabile pentru orice nivel, pe care le pot numara pe degete. Probabil ca ei au spus mult mai mult, dar la nivelul cunostintelor pe care le aveam eu au ramas cele care puteau ajunge la mine, pe care le puteam intelege.

Imediat dupa terminarea seminariilor o mare parte a grupului nostru s-a intors acasa, am mai ramas doar 3 tangueras pentru milonga de sfarsit, care s-a tinut la Palatul Artelor. Milonga fara tande, fara cortine, si cu muzica alternativa (de exemplu Sting), cu dansatori care aveau 8 ani de tango. Am aflat ca in Budapesta existau 7 scoli de tango, una deschisa de foarte curand, si am facut un calcul rapid… asta insemna ca in fiecare an aparea o scoala noua de tango. Incercam sa-mi fac o ideie despre comunitate, cum s-a dezvoltat, si incercam sa fac paralele cu ce se intampla la noi, si poate sa fac o estimare cu ce ar putea sa se intample la noi, sau cum ar putea evolua lucrurile la noi. Din vorba in vorba, cica ar fi fost cam 400 de tangueros in Budapesta (daca imi aduc eu bine aminte, si nu m-a lasat memoria cifrelor).

M-am bucurat ca am ramas la ultima milonga, am avut ocazia sa vad cele trei cupluri de profesori, cupluri foarte diferite, dansad in acelas timp, si nu in ultimul rand sa dansez cu Lotzi. In drum spre pensiune am vazut Budapesta noaptea, am mancat clatite foarte bune, am aflat lucruri despre organizarea festivalului, tangueros si tango in Ungaria, viata in Budapesta... tango si alegeri in viata. Surprinzator, pentru prima data cand ieseam din tara si nu ma simteam ca intr-o tara straina. M-am simtit tot timpul ca acasa! Acest lucru, care se cheama tango, sparge orice bariere. Poti sa fii oriunde, daca ai tango te simti acasa. E un lucru tare ciudat! Iar comunicarea cu oamenii devine cu totul alta, totul pare firesc, natural, si esti acasa!

Demonstratiile profilor de la Budapesta, toti odata: Adrian y Alejandra, Nacy y Damian, Fernanda y Guillermo.

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