Tango, the game

Nota: Citirea acestui articol poate provoca diverse emotii, daca va stiti sensibili, mai bine evitati! ;)

Hai s-o luam altfel… am putea sa ne gandim ca tango este un joc ca si fotbalul (ca tot e acum campionat!), voleiul, golful, shahul si de ce nu sheptica! Si ca orice joc, are regulile lui! Diferenta intre alte jocuri si tango este ca la tango nu castiga nimeni, pentru ca nu este o competitie! Iar jocul este pentru placerea de a-l juca! Similitudinea ar fi ca exista un teren si jucatori, iar producerea accidentelor si nerespectarea regulilor jocului sunt penalizate… si colo si colo!

Am urmat indicatia lui Dos Centavos (multumesc Dos Centavos!) si am dat o cautare pe Google; iata ce am gasit: “cateva” reguli ale tango-ului! (pentru reducerea spatiului voi pune cateva cuvinte sau titluri din textele respective, si link-urile catre surse, mai ales ca nu am drepturi de autor asupra scrierilor acelea), lista ar putea fi foarte lunga... :

“To experienced dancers, the following guidelines of Tango dance protocol and etiquette are usually well known, but not often discussed. Also following these guidelines sets a good example for other dancers. For new dancers, it's good to know what's what to help avoid embarrassing, awkward, or unsafe situations. In any case, following these guidelines can help to maximize your Tango dance experience.“ … citeste mai mult aici

“I have been thinking about writing this article for a long time, after having experienced many humorous and not-so-humorous episodes at the milonga. Many of us get caught up in learning the steps of the tango and then we get to the milonga and we don't know that there are certain unwritten rules about inviting and accepting or declining dances.” … citeste mai mult aici

“Respect ... the person you are dancing with
Respect ... the culture & heritage of Tango
Respect ... the music & the band
Respect ... the people around you” … citeste mai mult aici

Argentine Tango Etiquette:
Cateva titluri:
“What is a tanda?
What is a cortina?
Line of Dance
Lane of Dance
What is a ronda?
Dancing in a milonga
Teaching on the social dance floor”… citeste mai mult aici

Tango Etiquette: maximize your tango dance experience:
“Saying “Thank you,” is a coded word for “I want to stop dancing.””… citeste mai mult aici

Cateva titluri:
“How can I invite someone to dance?
How can I avoid dancing (with someone, or at all)
When and how to stop?
Chatting while dancing
The difference between a practica and a milonga
Interrupting people while they are dancing
Making friends and making advances” … citeste mai mult aici

Tango Etiquette: The 101 and how to on getting started:
Cateva titluri:
“Courtesy to a couple
Ladies its always his fault”… citeste mai mult aici


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