International Open „Tango de Salón” Championship - Budapesta 2012

Ai nostri sunt din nou prezenti la campionatele de tango din Europa, de data aceasta la vecinii din stanga, pe malul Dunarii, la Budapesta.

Felicitari participantilor, Kicsi Csongor si Raluca Teodor, care au reprezentat Romania la acest campionat, ne-au adus trofee si au vorbit Europei si lumii intregi despre cum se danseaza tango in Romania!

International Open „Tango de Salón” Championship - Competition Procedure

Date: 13th October 2012, 18:00 ( registration 16:30-17:45)

Location: Hölgyválasz Dancestudio, 41 Paulay Ede street, Budapest, H-1061

The competition procedure:

Competition announcement:

The competition is announced and controlled by Argentin Tangó Táncszínház Közhasznú Egyesület.The competition is open and international. Everybody can apply. Competition will be held, if minimum 6 couples apply.

The competition’s jury: (henceforward: jury)

The competition’s jury will be maestros from Argentina, Venezuela, Greece, Italy and Hungary:

* Cristian Duarte (Argentina)
* John Erban (Venezuela)
* Georgia Proiskou (Greece)
* Giuseppe Mőbius Lotito/ Cristina Scimé (Italy)
* Maria Glotz (Hungary)
* András Szőllősi (Hungary)
* László Budai (Hungary)

Participation fee:

3000 HUF or 12 Euro/ couple


1st couple 50.000 HUF
2nd couple 30.000 HUF
3rd couple 20.000 HUF

Top 3 will perform on the Sunday (14th October) milonga in Hölgyválasz.

Other award:

All participant will be winning free entrance to the OktóberPest TangoFest’s milonga on Saturday.


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