December 11th. - National day of Tango in Argentina

Julio de Caro
 Ehi bine, da... multi stiu ca 11 decembrie este ziua internationala a tangoului!

De ce 11 decembrie? “Sarbatoarea omagiaza nasterea celui care a dat voce tangoului, Carlos Gardel, si a lui Julio de Caro, violonist, compozitor si director de orchestra”; ziua internationala a tangoului argentinian este sarbatorita in toata lumea incepand cu anul 1977.

Si iata aici istoria acestei zile:

The NATIONAL DAY OF TANGO is celebrated on December 11th., in homage to the birth of two representative figures of the tango: Carlos Gardel, known as "El Zorzal Criollo" ("The Creole Fieldfare") and creator of the "Tango canción" ("Tango song"), and the big orchestra conductor Julio De Caro.

The idea of celebrating it, arose from a very particular form. On December 11th., 1965, Ben Molar (Moisés Smolarchik Brenner) was going to the house of Julio De Caro to celebrate his birthday, when he realized that, so De Caro as Carlos Gardel, they had been born the same day.

Carlos Gardel
He presented then a proposal, to the Secretary of Culture of the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires, so that this day would be instituted as the "Day of the Tango". Eleven years later, after much to cover and of observing how the authorities were not listening to his suggestions, he cordially threatened the Secretary of Culture to do a big radial, television and graphic mobilization in which he would announce the organization of a festival in the "Luna Park" (Moon Park - a big Box Stadium used also for other events) in support of the "Day of the Tango". He asked Tito Lectoure, the proprietor of the "Luna Park", for the place for that date. At two o'clock of the ultimatum, the miracle took place: the longed for so many years decree became truth.

That December 11th. the festival was realized by the crowdy presence of many spectators who celebrated the announcement and standing acclaimed to their maximum idols.

The biggest musicians were present, bands, singers, quizmasters, announcers, journalists and personalities linked to the tango. That night, Julio De Caro received much touched in the stage the applause of approximately 15 thousand persons who sang his birthday.

Ben Molar
Nevertheless, for Ben Molar this was not sufficient: the things were proposed to take at national level. On December 23rd. of that year, by order of the Secretary of the State of Culture of the Nation, Doctor Raúl Alberto Casal, organized a "tanguera" farewell of this year 1977 in the National Theater Cervantes.

In return, Ben Molar asked him for the approval of the decree at national level and the Minister answered affirmatively. This way the day of the Tango went on to be the NATIONAL DAY OF TANGO.


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