Other Tango Superstitions

Imi povestise mie cineva mai demult de o orchestra, de care nu se vorbea, careia nu i se pronunta numele – “orchestra de no se habla” –  dar nu mai stiam sigur care era, din amintiri parca era vorba de Di Sarli, dar nu eram sigura. Legenda spune ca pe unde se duceau sa cante se intamplau numai nenorociri, lua foc localul sau chestii d’astea - daca am fost mintita va mint si eu pe voi acum; am inceput sa caut din nou pe net si iata ce am gasit:

“To the superstitions questions. I guess that adding some superstition around a popular cultural phenomenom (i.e. Tango) is not uncommon.

I am aware of the following, and would like to know if anyone knows more of them so that we can compile a full list for general education, especially for those that plan to become Tango sorcerers ...

1. Carlos DiSarli is "el innombrable", the one whose name can not be mentioned. I think that this comes from a rumor (not sure about its veracity) that Maestro DiSarli once attempted to commit suicide.

2. Adios Muchachos is "yeta", bad luck. No clue why this one is "yeta" and the other thousands of Tangos with even more depressing lyrics are not. Any suggestions/guesses/reasonings are welcome.

3. I heard also about a violinist (if my memory does not fail me now, it was Antonio Agri, who played with Piazzolla among others) that is in the "yeta" list. No clue why.

However, 1. and 2. are, by far, the most common "knowledge".

That is all I have.” - Alberto


Debbi a spus…
The only superstition of these that I have heard of is the Adios Muchachos - which is true that it is not normally played in a social milonga and if it is, one should not dance to it. I was told by many folks while I was in BA that this is because it was the last song Carlos Gardel sang before he died, and therefor is considered bad luck to play or dance to, but not bad luck to listen to as long as you are reverent. Will ask friends about DiSarli though, never heard of that one! :-)

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