Workshop with Richard si Rahel in Bucharest - Seminar cu Richard si Rahel in Bucuresti

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Workshop with Richard si Rahel in Bucharest

People in Bucharest had again teachers from abroad. Good thing. Other teaching methods, other styles, other combination of steps. I admit I didn’t attend the workshop, but friends were there and they showed me some combinations that they liked; obviously we have to work on those things, and everything will come in time. The important thing is that our “tango vocabulary” is growing larger and to do all these things you have to improve your technique, so we gain at least two things. On the other hand, even if we cannot do things now, in the future, when dancing, if there is the opportunity, you will know how to use them, and little by little you will get to do those things… if they suit you, if you like them, nothing is mandatory …

At the first milonga, on Saturday, R & R made a spontaneous demo not planned for that night; I shoot something on my camera which cannot record more than one minute… I knew there were others recording… but they failed to record the first performance… it happens! I hopped to post that performance on the blog, an entire dance, maybe some other time. For now this is what I have … only one minute! … Yes, I know, the quality is very poor…

The most difficult is taking pictures … these tangueros – they are generally speaking – moving too much … using the flash you don’t get good pictures, and without flash … you obtain uncontrollable special effects! I admit I don’t have any clue about taking pictures… however here are some pictures!
And a photo that I like very much! Not for the subject but for the fact that I pushed the button in the same moment with a friend facing me on the other side of the room, and my picture has his flash on. Hazard or perfect timing! … It would be nice if I had his photo showing my camera with my flash on!
Seminar cu Richard si Rahel in Bucuresti
Bucurestenii au avut din nou parte de profesori din afara tzarii. Lucru bun. Alte metode de predare, alte stiluri, alte structuri. Recunosc ca nu am participat la seminarii, dar mi-au aratat si mie prietenii care au fost, cateva structuri care le-au placut; evident trebuie lucrate si exersate, dar lucrurile se aseaza cu timpul. Important e ca se largeste limbajul, si ca sa reusesti sa le faci trebuie sa-ti perfectionezi tehnica, deci doi iepuri dintr-o lovitura. Pe de alta parte, chiar daca nu reusesti acum, pe viitor, in dans, daca apare ocazia, o sa stii sa exploatezi, si o sa ajungi incet, incet sa le faci… daca ti se potrivesc, si daca iti plac, nimic nu e musai…

La prima milonga, sambata, au facut si o demonstratie “ad-hoc”, care nu era prevazuta in program; am filmat ceva cu aparatul foto care nu poate mai mult de un minut… stiind ca mai filmeaza si altii… din pacate, altii au reusit sa rateze filmarea primului dans… se mai intampla si la case mai mari! Speram sa pot pune pe blog filmarea lor, cu un dans intreg. Alta data. Deocamdata doar ce am eu… un minut! … Da stiu, calitatea lasa mult de dorit…

Cel mai greu zic eu este fotografiatul … los tangueros astia - in general vorbesc - se misca cam mult… cu blitz nu ies poze faine, iar fara blitz… ies niste efecte speciale… necontrolabile! Recunosc ca nici io nu ma pricep la fotografie… dar, ca sa compensez clipurile de mai sus, iaca niste poze!

Si o poza care imi place foarte mult! Nu pentru ce este in poza ci pentru faptul ca am apasat pe declansator in acelas moment in care un prieten, vis-à-vis de mine, pe partea cealalta a salii a facut o poza cu aparatul lui, si poza mea prinde blitz-ul celuilalt aparat. Intamplare sau timing perfect! … fain ar fi sa am si poza cealalta, in care sa se vada blitz-ul meu!


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